
For my non-textual something new, I realized that I had to experiment with visual art. We’ve discussed visual so often, especially in Units 5 (Bory), 6 (Munger), and 8 (Denham). I think that interesting discussion arises when we start to ask questions about art. When is art abstract? What determines the value of art?

Especially for my portfolio, an important comparison is to be made between abstraction, realism, and photography. (And those are just the beginning! Recreation of truth is also evaluated with more performative art like dance and music.)

What type of art is most effective in representing truth? Rothko would argue it’s abstract art. His work reduces the canvas to color and shape, making the art an experience, eliciting emotions, and creating its own truth.

Circles in A Circle, Kandinsky
In keeping with the core of abstraction, my main purpose wasn’t to copy his work in detail, but to have a glimpse of the experience in creating this type of art.
Untitled, Mark Rothko
I really enjoyed experimenting with the “color-block” art that Rothko produced towards the end of his career. See the section on Rothko under the Unit 6 tab.
Using some leftover paint, I made this piece. In this experience, I better understood the importance of “moment” that we talk about in art. Similar to the ephemeral nature of performance, when an artist creates, there are many conditions that create that moment and ultimately produce that work.